Veterinary Services
Puppy/Kitten Wellness
Learn more about puppy/kitten wellness services we offer at All Seasons Veterinary Care below.

Puppy/Kitten Wellness in Polk City, IA
At All Seasons Veterinary Care, our Puppy/Kitten Wellness services are designed to give your new pet the healthiest start in life. We provide thorough wellness exams, vaccinations, deworming, and nutritional guidance to support your puppy or kitten’s growth and development. Our team ensures your pet’s first months are filled with the right care and protection for a long, happy life ahead.

At All Seasons Veterinary Care, we follow a carefully planned vaccination schedule to ensure your puppy or kitten develops strong immunity during these critical early months.

Socialization sounds like teaching a puppy or kitten how to socialize with other puppies or kittens. While these kinds of interactions help them learn to act like a normal dog or cat, this is only part of what socialization means.

Parasite Screenings
Parasite screenings play a crucial role in early preventive care, protecting your young pet from potential health risks caused by internal and external parasites.

Teaching your new pet the appropriate time and place to eliminate and providing a safe environment to rest are important for you and your pet’s relationship and emotional well-being.

Spaying and neutering are routine surgical procedures that prevent pets from reproducing. Spaying refers to the removal of the ovaries and uterus in female pets, while neutering involves removing the testicles in males.